Several deals for B-Sync On at "Die Höhle der Löwen Schweiz"

They came, pitched and won - that's probably the best way to describe the appearance of Sascha Fritsche and Bastian Heer in yesterday's episode of "Die Höhle der Löwen Schweiz", as the team from the Swiss company Galventa, based in St. Gallen, impressed all the lions in the celebrity investor round with their wake-up capsule. They received four bids for their innovative nutritional supplement, which supports and improves the waking process, and ultimately decided on two lucrative deals.

Sascha Fritsche, Co-Founder and CEO of Galventa, and Bastian Heer, Chief Marketing Officer, met with great interest from the lions in the last show with their idea of turning night owls into early risers. They presented B-Sync On, an innovative, clinically tested wake-up capsule. The highlight: four purely natural ingredients - vitamin B5, vitamin B12, zinc and caffeine - are only released 7-8 hours after ingestion thanks to a special formulation, so that their effect can unfold in the morning and support the wake-up process in a natural way. The product is therefore aimed at all morning grouches who find it difficult to get out of bed.

Four in one go: it's raining offers for Galventa

The start-up seems to have hit the bull's eye with the investors, as there was not only positive feedback from the lions, but also four investment offers; the fifth lioness in the group, Anja Graf, only did not join because four deals had already been offered. Two of the offers were exactly what the entrepreneurs were looking for. In the end, the decision was made in favor of Amorana co-founder Lukas Speiser and doctor, founder of Skinmed clinics and TedX speaker Felix Bertram, who each offered 200,000 Swiss francs for 2% of the company. "With their wake-up capsule, the Galventa team is tackling a widespread problem. We all want to start the day with ease, so B-Sync On and the technology behind it is an absolute innovation that I am happy to invest in. I already have some ideas in my head about how we can use advertising and targeted marketing to promote the product and further increase brand awareness. I'm looking forward to working with the motivated team around Sascha and Bastian," says Lukas Speiser.

The numerous satisfied customers who have trusted the Galventa brand since its launch in April 2022 show that the product is not just a hit with the lions. B-Sync On is currently available in the company's own online store. However, this could soon change with the help of investors, as the young entrepreneurs are hoping that Felix Bertram in particular will support them in expanding their sales channels.

"It gives me great pleasure to support and accompany young entrepreneurs. Sascha and Bastian's pitch absolutely convinced me and I see great potential in B-Sync On, because almost everyone knows the feeling of not getting out of bed in the morning. As a doctor, I was also convinced by the results of the clinical study on B-Sync On, which were even published on During the discussions after the show, it quickly became clear that I could make a contribution, particularly in the area of marketing. Together we would like to open up various new sales channels," says Felix Bertram.

Sascha Fritsche and his team of sleep researchers and nutritionists would like to use the investment from the lions primarily for the further development of the product and further clinical studies. "We are delighted with our successful pitch and the deals with Lukas and Felix. This gives us the opportunity not only to drive forward B-Sync On in the future, but also to work on other products that are currently in the pipeline. With the help of further clinical studies, we want to emphasize the effectiveness of our products, focus even more on marketing, expand the B2B business and find new sales channels," says the co-founder and CEO of Galventa.

Media release Galventa / B-Sync On